"In some beliefs, the special powers are inborn, inherited simply by virtue of his birth order; in others, the powers are granted to him by God or the gods because of his birth order" An old description about children being born as the seventh one

Does identity exist or are we chasing a ghost?

Chaos evokes ideas of freedom, the human mind is liberated from the body at death. Shackles of identity is wolfs in our minds. We are water, with ever-changing motions, like infinite movements, and with a mind that is loose and fluid. In it we are nothing and everything at the same time, but the question is, are you here to experience it?  

Daniel Hedin is a surrealistic Swedish multi-disciplinary artist who has spent over two decades exploring chaos and change by questioning the idea of identity through fragmentation, sounds, movement, lights and images. Experimenting around the topics of our self, our perception of our mind, shame and the connection to mental health. Daniel explores the emotions of "being" by with distortion and alternation by fragmentation asking us fundamental questions of excistence such as?


"why do spend so much time of our life trying to figure out who we are instead of where we are?"


contact: danielhedin@areyouhere.org